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Registering Your Travel

Register your travel


All Drexel Faculty and Staff are required to register their official Drexel business and academic related international travel by clicking here.

Travel must be registered at least 6 weeks prior to departure. Registering will ensure that travelers are covered under all applicable Drexel insurance policies. Registration also assists the Office of Global Safety and Operations in keeping travelers informed as much as possible of potential risks (health/safety, financial, IT security, Research Compliance, and the like). In case of an emergency, we can best assist you if your travel is registered. 

Travel that is registered less than 6 weeks prior to departure will be processed as quickly as possible. Please note that non-high-risk travel is generally processed within 2 - 4 business days. High risk travel, however, requires significant time for review. Timely review by individual departments cannot be guaranteed if travel registration is submitted less than 6 weeks in advance.

You can book your travel outside of World Travel/Concur while waiting for your registration to be completed. (The Procurement Office does require a completed registration to book through the World Travel/Concur website). However, given the unpredictable nature of international travel, we strongly recommend that you book travel that is refundable or at least allows for changes if needed. If your travel plans change for whatever reason, you can log in to edit your registration.

High Risk Travel

For the purposes of Drexel international travel registration, high risk travel includes, but is not limited to:

  • Travel to countries or regions rated by the U.S. Department of State as level 3 or higher.
  • Locations deemed by Drexel security partners/subject matter experts to be high risk for safety, security, or health reasons.
  • Countries rated by the CDC as level 3 or higher.
  • Travel to sanctioned or excluded countries/individuals. (Please note: all travel to Cuba must be submitted at least 40 business days prior to travel with no exceptions).
  • Travel of 90 days in length or greater.
  • Travel with Drexel owned equipment.
  • Travel with samples and/or anything with potential military application.
  • Other unique circumstances.

Travelers with questions about the risk profile of their upcoming travel should contact Dan Kampsen, Director of Global Safety and Operations. For travelers going to high-risk areas or for long-term stays, registration may trigger a mandatory risk review from the appropriate office (Research Compliance, Tax/HR, Health and Safety) in compliance with federal regulations. Those individual offices will contact the traveler as needed.

Failure to Register Travel

Failing to register could result in insufficient insurance coverage, unnecessary exposure to health and safety risks, inability of Drexel’s security company to provide assistance in case of emergency, non-compliance with Federal export control regulations, data security risks, denial of Drexel reimbursement for expenses incurred, and loss of P-Card privileges.

Registration Instructions

The registration process is as follows: 

  1. Click "Register Travel Now" on this page.
  2. For high-risk countries and activities (a country where your health or intellectual property may be compromised, for example), your registration may automatically trigger a mandatory review by Export Control/Research Compliance, Tax/HR, or Health and Safety.
  3. You will be contacted by the appropriate office directly if any follow-up questions or actions are required. You do not need to take any further action.
  4. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact: 
  5. Once the registration process is complete, the traveler will be notified via email. Please save the email as a PDF and upload it in Concur as confirmation of international travel registration as required by Procurement. 

Please note:

  • Arrival Date should be entered as the date you arrive at the destination to begin official Drexel travel.
    • Example: Flying into a conference 3 days prior to the start date. Absent other Drexel responsibilities, your official travel does not begin until the first day of the conference. 
  • Departure Date should be entered as the date your Drexel related activities end.  
    • Example: Staying in town for 3 days following the conclusion of the conference. Your official Drexel travel ends on the last day of the conference programming. 
  • Register each city you will be visiting for business and academic purposes.
    • ​​​​​​​Example: On a multi-city/country trip, each destination must be added to the same registration in the system. 
  • Remote Work request
    • For requests to work remotely outside the United States with no official business or academic travel need, please include the rationale for the remote work abroad request (i.e. pending work authorization, spousal relocation, etc.). Please be as detailed as possible. This request will be reviewed by the Drexel Global Work Review Committee as well as your supervisor.

Please click "Register Travel Now" and login using your Drexel credentials to start your International Travel Registration. 

Please note that personal travel should not be registered in this system. ​​​​​

For more information please refer to the Drexel University Travel Safety page.

For more information about On Call Emergency Services click here.

Travel registered via Grand/ETRC will be migrated automatically into the new system.

Frequently Asked Questions

 I already registered my travel via Grand/ETRC, do I need to register it again in the new system?
 No. Travel registered via Grand/ETRC will be migrated automatically into the new system.

Is there a proxy registration function?
No. Similar to GRAND, travelers must input their own registration after logging into DrexelOne with the single sign-on feature.

Can I purchase or reserve travel prior to registering in the system?
If you are booking travel with your P-Card or personal credit card on an external travel website, you may book at any time. There is no requirement to have registered your travel prior to booking. However, if you are planning to book directly through world travel/Concur, you must have a completed registration in order to book. This is required by the Procurement office. In either case, you will need a completed registration to reconcile your P-Card statement and/or complete the reimbursement process. 


All Drexel undergraduate and graduate students traveling internationally must register their travel with the appropriate office for safety and security reasons. This ensures that the University can provide support if needed. 

  • If you are traveling for personal reasons, you do not need to register your travel with Drexel. 
  • If you are traveling for an international co-op, check with your international co-op advisor to be sure you have met all Steinbright pre-departure requirements.
  • If you are traveling for study abroad (any Drexel program or an independent study abroad), be sure to complete all of the pre- and post-decision application materials in the Study Abroad portal. Please email your study abroad advisor or with any questions.
  • If you are traveling for any other academic reason, please email well before your departure date to begin the registration process. Please include your name, city and country where you will be, travel dates, and reason for travel.
    • These experiences include, but are not limited to: participating in international fellowships; attending and/or presenting at international conferences; participating in a university-organized or university-led service trip (such as an Alternative Spring Break or a student-organized program); conducting international research (traveling alone or with faculty)
    • Depending on your proposed experience, you may be required to submit an Non-Credit Experience Abroad Approval Form, which can take up to four weeks to complete.

Note: All travel plans for countries that are considered high risk will be assessed by the Travel Risk Review Committee (TRRC), even if travel is to one’s home country. Strong supporting documentation will be requested for a travel risk review.

When in Doubt: 
Please contact to determine whether travel should be registered.